Sometimes I write about thoughts about things.
Idé: En vårdtjänst som ökar den sociala hållbarheten bland äldre
Memento Humani (sökord: bra citat på latin om att minnas människan bakom)
Idé: En vårdapp med människan i centrum
Memento Humani (sökord: bra citat på latin om att minnas människan bakom)
It is what it is until it isn’t (Or: The Evolution of The Eclectric Toothbrush)
It's a cycle of perceived obsolescence and relentless innovation. Some say ‘it is what it is’ — I say; it is what it is until it isn’t.
The Paradox of Primate Anxiety when AI Steals Our Jobs
Will AI steal your job? And is primate anxiety a good thing?